Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's a lazy Saturday morning and I am watching the Santa Clause movie with my son. I know it's only September, but Christmas is a "state of mind" in my home. Tim Allen's character has an arguement with his ex-wife about Santa Clause being a "state of mind". That made me success or failure a state of mind? Success, because that's what we want to focus on here, is most certainly not ALL about mindset. Success, however, will not come without having a "state of mind" to succeed. This "state of mind" will motivate and drive you to do the things you need to do to succeed, such as pre-call planning, time management, facing challenging accounts, and much more. Those of you in sales more than an hour realize that we face numerous challenges that can "take us off the market" for a day. If we do not have a "state of mind" that demands success for us (however little our daily success may be), we will be knocked down by the cancelled appointment, the "for sure" deal that tanks, or a bad call from the boss. Whatever your downers are, loose 'em, and change your state of mind to that of success! I mentioned a few ways to do this in my last post, but I am sure there are other ways to do this. Good luck and good selling.

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